Thursday, October 18, 2012

Baby Boy Mustache... Nuff Said

I made this mustache binky yesterday and even though I want to be the only one to know how I did it, I guess I'll share the cuteness.

Here are the eight simple steps to your baby boy mustache.

1. Go to Hobby Lobby
2. Find the spare parts section, mine was around the stickers and scrap booking supplies. Or just ask where you can find mustache brads.

3. Buy the mustache brads.
4. Press the brad part down flat against the back of the mustache.
5. Hot glue the mustache to a binky. (Maybe try a not so popular binky if you are unsure about this whole craziness.)
6. Wait for the glue to cool.
7. Stick that binky in your kid's mouth.
8. Laugh hysterically at your baby. 

It's as easy as that!!

 Happy Thursday!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

8 Month Update

My baby is 8 months!!

He turned 8 months on October 7th and he is owning up to his age.

Here's what he's been up to

  • He loves scooting army style and now and then he'll get up on those knees for some real crawling.
  • He's finally figured out how to get from his belly to his bum. 
  • Climbing the side of the couch, the bars on his crib, the dishwasher, stairs at church, and the T.V. stand is a favorite thing to do right now.
  • He has five teeth! And is always biting my shoulder.
  • This last week he started babbling like crazzzzzzy. Dadadadada 
  • His hair is starting to fill out... kinda.
  • I showed him my parent's E3 animals Ebook and he LOOOVED it. He always laughs at the part that says where the kid is from. (If you haven't seen these Ebooks for the iPad, you gotta download it for free HERE!)

  • Here's the video

     (the beautiful quilt was sewn by Zach's mom, love it!)

    This little boy is growing up too fast, but I am loving every second of it. He is so curious and fun. Zach and I just laugh at him all. day. long!

    Happy Monday!

    Thursday, October 4, 2012

    This Might Not Be A Good Habit For A Toddler

    What are they gonna do once he starts school? haha

    But hey, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

    Nothing Is Harder Than Housework

    A couple of weeks ago I was watching The Dick Van Dyke Show and found myself laughing at one of Mary Tyler Moore's lines. She said, "Nothing is harder than house work!"

    Now I'm not saying that house work isn't hard, but there are a lot of harder things out there.

    I LOVE this show. It's always clean humor and always hilarious!

    Plus it's a fun look into this time period.

    About a year ago I started a 15 minutes of cleaning a day thing, where I focus on one part of the house a day and clean it up good.

    For example: Monday is the kitchen
                          Tuesday is the bathroom
                          Wednesday is dusting
                          Thursday is gathering scattered stuff and putting it back where it goes
                          And Friday is the floors

    I really like this way of cleaning. It makes it feel like my house is always clean! Plus it helps the burden of keeping my house clean not feel like it's the hardest thing in the world. And when I'm good at sticking to my daily chore then my weekend is open to do fun stuff. And that's always the best.

    Anyway, as I was cleaning my house this morning I decided I really didn't like the smell of my floor cleaner (Windex All Purpose Cleaner) or my bathroom cleaner (Scrubbing Bubbles). I love using the scrubbing bubbles because it's fast and easy, but the smell isn't very fresh.

    So I'm interested in the products that my readers use. Especially you experienced home makers.

    Which products prove to be the best and leave your house feeling clean and add to the clean smell?

    I wanna know!!

    Tuesday, October 2, 2012

    Getting Personal

    Ok let's get a little personal about post pregnancy stuff.

    I did a lot of reading about labor and delivery. And my delivery was pretty normal 
    and "easy" so a lot of what I read actually applied to me. 

    But there were three main things that I hadn't read about that happened to me.

    1. The first thing was the shakes.

    During and just after labor I was shaking uncontrollably! I could not stop shivering and shaking for probably a half hour. And it was so annoying because I had that stupid blood pressure thing wrapped around my arm and I couldn't relax long enough for it to take my blood pressure so it just kept getting tighter and tighter!! But once they gave Porter back to me to feed I was able to focus and calm down.

    This wasn't a big deal or anything I just had never heard about it before.

    2. The second thing was itchy armpits!

    The first time I breast fed my armpits got super itchy!! And they still are 8 months later. I'm still nursing Porter so I think it's definitely related. I used to think it was from me pulling up my shirt and it getting all bunched and tight under my arm, but I looked up some stuff about it and apparently the reason this happens is because the nerves that are in charge of your let down sometimes get crossed with nerves in your arm pits. Go figure... And since there's nothing to let down under your arm it just gets itchy and agitated.  

    But I still haven't found anything to help with the itch. Have any of you dealt with this? Any remedies?

    3. One more weird thing. Extra bangs!

    I probably shouldn't complain too much because I'm just happy that I'm not losing hair. But it's still kind of weird.

    This picture isn't the best. But on both sides of my forehead I have these bunches of little hairs growing. It's almost like my hairline is changing. What's the opposite of a receding hairline? Well that's what I've got going on! Crazy stuff.

    Let me know how your pregnancy and delivery went. Or if you have questions leave a comment and I can give you a new mom's opinion.

    Have a great Tuesday!!